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Archive for April, 2019

Tuesday 4.23.2019

Tuesday 4.22.2019 27-21-15-9 Knees-to-Elbow Row for Calories Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Monday 4.22.2019

Monday 4.22.2019 For Total Load: 5-5-5-5-5-5-5 Back Squat + Snatch WOD Directions: This movement is a complex. The back squat may come from the rig. Athletes must execute a behind the neck push press before doing the snatch. Each round must be completed without letting go of the bar or

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Friday 4.19.2019

Friday 4.19.2019 PLEASE ALLOW YOURSELF 2 HOURS IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THIS WOD… If you only have an hour, expect NOT to finish. Every Easter season, many CrossFit boxes and/or churches around the world host what is called the Jesus WOD. The Jesus WOD is done as a means of

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Thursday 4.18.2019

Thursday 4.18.2019 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14-minutes 5 Burpees 10 Sandbag Squats, 150/100 or 70 15-ft Sandbag Carry, same as above **WEAR A 20-lbs/14-lbs VEST IF AVAILABLE or YOU INTEND TO WEAR A VEST DURING MURPH

Wednesday 4.17.2019

Wednesday 4.17.2019 20 Rounds for Time 10/7-calories on Bike 15 Wall Balls, 20/14 to 10’/9′ 10 Push ups

Tuesday 4.16.2019

Tuesday 4.16.2019 200m Run Rest 4-minutes 400m Run Rest 2-minutes 800m Run Rest 1-minute 1600m Run

Monday 4.15.2019

Monday 4.15.2019 21-15-9 Deadlift, 225/155 Meters of Handstand Walk

Thursday 4.11.2019

Thursday 4.11.2019 Complete for time with a partner: 100 Calorie Row 100 Calorie Ski 100 Calorie Bike 300 Double Unders -20 min cap- *One partner works at a time/split reps as needed*

Wednesday 4.10.2019

Wednesday 4.10.2019 10 min AMRAP: 1 strict HSPU 2 pistols 2 strict HSPU 4 pistols 3 strict HSPU 6 pistols … continue adding reps until time cap

Tuesday 4.9.2019

Tuesday 4.9.2019 5 rounds for time: 9 Power cleans 115/85 9 Bar facing burpees

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