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Category Archive for ‘CFDF Journal’

Fitness with Friends

I once heard a reporter ask a NASCAR driver what his secret to success was. The driver was being asked why he was good at driving race cars. The professional driver responded, “You either focus or you hit something really hard.” Now while I am certain there is more to

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I have decided to write about this topic because it is a message that I need to hear, probably more than anyone in the gym. CrossFit has all kinds of catch phrases such as, “the unknown and unknowable” or “we fail at the edge of our own experiences.” The idea

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FITNESS #GOALS … Do you have any?

Today, efforts in the gym have far exceeded past efforts, and for the better.  People are striving for more intensity, pushing themselves to nauseating levels, and high fiving at the finish line.  Why?  What is their reason?  Do you know why?  This quick read can give you some insight on

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One Bad Day Does Not Mean Forever

Have you ever found yourself during a workout where you feel like you have no lungs or you keep missing a specific weight where you’ve hit it before? If not, then you are lying to yourself. No matter what skill level you are at, you will have your good days

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Sounding off on Scaling

So you roll in to DF about five minutes before class starts (because you’re always on time), shoot the breeze for a couple minutes with your friends, then walk over to the whiteboard to see what’s about to go down in the next hour.  The coach goes over the WOD

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Why You Should Master the Strict Pull-up

“If I was starting over, I would devalue the kipping pull-up and let it occur naturally. People that can’t do strict pull-ups and are trying to kip are wrong.”  – Greg Glassman, CrossFit Founder & CEO Woah. That’s a pretty strong statement coming from “the original coach” Greg Glassman, that

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