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Archive for November, 2018

Friday 11.30.2018

Friday 11.30.2018 Push Press for load: #1: 5 reps #2: 5 reps #3: 5 reps #4: 5 reps #5: 5 reps

Thursday 11.29.2018

Thursday 11.29.2018 Ski 5x500m Rest 2x’s the amount of work time between rounds.

Wednesday 11.28.2018

Wednesday 11.28.2018 Every 3-minutes on the 3-minutes for 5 rounds – 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups – 5 Squat Cleans, 225-lbs/135-lbs Score: Record each round. The slowest round is your score.

One Bad Day Does Not Mean Forever

Have you ever found yourself during a workout where you feel like you have no lungs or you keep missing a specific weight where you’ve hit it before? If not, then you are lying to yourself. No matter what skill level you are at, you will have your good days

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Monday 11.26.2018

Monday 11.26.2018 With A Partner 150 Sandbag over Bar 150/100-lbs EMOM 5 Burpees *Set bar in rig at shoulder height **Use band to keep bar secure

Wednesday 11.21.2018

Wednesday 11.21.2018 5 rounds 15/10 cal assault bike 10 burpees

Sounding off on Scaling

So you roll in to DF about five minutes before class starts (because you’re always on time), shoot the breeze for a couple minutes with your friends, then walk over to the whiteboard to see what’s about to go down in the next hour.  The coach goes over the WOD

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Tuesday 11.20.2018

Tuesday 11.20.2018 10 rounds for time 1 Ring Muscle Up 2 Reverse Burpees 30 ft. HS walk

Monday 11.19.2018

Monday 11.19.2018 20 min AMRAP 8 T2B 10 DB Hang Clean & Jerk, 50/35 14/12 cal row *single arm DB hang clean & jerk

Friday 11.16.2018

Friday 11.16.2018 4 Rounds :40 sec on / :20 sec off 1. Farmers walks, 50/35 2. DB Front Rack Step ups, 50/35 3. DB Lateral burpees *all 3 movements = 1 round *Farmer Walks 5-ft segments = 1-rep

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