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Fitness with Friends

I once heard a reporter ask a NASCAR driver what his secret to success was. The driver was being asked why he was good at driving race cars. The professional driver responded, “You either focus or you hit something really hard.”

Now while I am certain there is more to driving race cars than simply paying attention, the driver’s response is insightful and fascinating because it applies to our health and fitness. It is important that we have diligence, determination, and vigilance if we are going to become the best versions of ourselves. To use the driver’s logic: “We must focus or we will hit something really hard” in our fitness pursuits. That is, we risk the potential of not meeting our goals or “falling off the fitness wagon.”

But how are we to remain focused in our health, diet, and fitness? One of the most helpful answers I have found is community. The unique thing about remaining focused on our health and fitness is that we need other people to help us remain focused. We often are not as effective without the help and accountability of others. We cannot do it alone.

Community is one of the immediate things that stuck out to me when I walked into my first CrossFit box. I quickly noticed that classes were filled with people who enjoyed working out together—it was almost as if they were friends. And this camaraderie was both infectious and helpful. The community aspect of CrossFit was infectious because I wanted to keep returning day-after-day to workout with these people. And it was helpful because it provided accountability. My fellow CrossFit athletes checked in on me. They asked me how I was doing and sought to come alongside me when I was struggling. They helped me “pay attention” to my goals. They helped me remain focused on what was important.

As it is often said, “It takes a village to raise a child.” My experience is that “It takes a village to reach your health and fitness goals.” So if you are looking for community and accountability, so that you “don’t hit something really hard” in your pursuit of health and fitness, then CrossFit is for you.


– Coach Taylor

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